Dayan, Peter/ Abbott, L. F.

Theoretical Neuroscience: Computational And Mathematical Modeling of Neural Systems (Computational Neuroscience)

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Theoretical Neuroscience: Computational And Mathematical Modeling of Neural Systems (Computational Neuroscience)

Theoretical Neuroscience: Computational And Mathematical Modeling of Neural Systems (Computational Neuroscience)

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Customer reviews (10)

11 June 2015

Majestic overview of the fundamentals; helped me fall in love with the subject

This book was an eye opener for me.

29 May 2015

Five Stars

Book arrived perfectly..

18 February 2015

a bridge from Biology to computer science


16 February 2015

Five Stars

Very useful and detailed, and relatively cheap.

18 February 2014

Perfect computational neuroscience book

Its a perfect summary of computational neuroscience.

20 June 2013

Great Textbook

I bought this book while taking a course on Coursera.

9 May 2013

Too Mathematical

This is the type of book where you get a line of Math for every two lines of text.

27 February 2013

New Title: Theoretical Neuroscience - Firing Rate Models

While I would like to say that this book is all encompassing, it only briefly touches upon one of the very important camps of computational neuroscience - the spiking models.

14 October 2012

Awesome condition

The book came in awesome condition and everything seems great.

7 May 2011

Decent book, exceedingly technical, mathematical rigorous

I'm a neuroscience major and a medical student currently.

Theoretical Neuroscience: Computational And Mathematical Modeling of Neural Systems (Computational Neuroscience) Review

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